Friday, September 2, 2011

Evac-ation Days Saturday

When one is at a hotel with little kids one does what they like to do to keep one's sanity and to keep the children happy.  So of course the first thing we did in the morning was to go swimming. Poor R was sick.  He had a high fever, but we dosed him with a serving of both ibuprofen and Tylenol so he could feel good enough to go vacation.

When I grew up my mother and I took a trip to New York City and Pennsylvania. We went to Lancaster and stopped at an Amish market.  We got a decoration for my room.  I remember it taking a long time, but remember it fondly as an exciting adventure I was able to take with just my mom and my grandparents.

I wanted a similar experience with my kidlets. So we went to the market in Harrisburg. There were a few Amish families there selling their wares.  We got dried kiwi fruit and other goodies. S of course made friends with the little girl that was just older than her selling us some soft pretzels.  We were starving and I got fried shrimp and french fries that no one else even wanted to try (I never make breaded fried food).

It was not the same kind of market as the one my mother took me to when I was 8, but we had a good time.

We headed to Chocolate World to enjoy the smells and little ride, but as it turned out the medicine had worn off and Roscoe was exhausted.  I felt so sorry so we headed to the hotel and watched the rain fall.  We watched National Treasure 1 and II.    I came up with a great story line for National Treasure X.

During each and every commercial break the kids were hopping on the bed, running around the room giggling, and playing with each other a lot.  We also talked a lot with family members and we watched the progress of Hurricane Irene.  The kids were asking a lot of questions and I tried to quell their fears as best as I could.  I think I made it sound like a harmless rainstorm.


cherry said...

what a fun vacation! Geri had fever of 102 on our way back from Apple picking last thursday-reason why she did not make it to ward BBQ.We have never been to Amish Country yet and i've heard a lot of good things about it. And i'm not surprised anymore that Sarah made a new friend--that's what my little bestfriend is--soooo friendly and i love her so much!

vdg family said...

Thanks Cherry! So sorry that Geri had a fever! I hope she's all better. :)