My mother said right at the end she was talking in a way that didn't really make sense. She said Grandma said something to the effect of, "I know what is going on but that man in the corner, he doesn't think I know what is going on." There was no man in the corner--or maybe . . .
Mom also said she was laughing at times, even though loved ones (on this side of the veil) weren't too sure with whom she was laughing.
I have so many memories of this grandmother. Her house had 2 great porches. For a person that loved to put on "shows" with my little brothers as much as I did it was heaven. There was only the house across the street and my grandma with her video camera (upon occasion I would give in and be filmed), but mostly it was me, the grasshoppers, the spiders, the trees, the garage, maybe a cat or two and I could belt out all the show tunes I felt specified that moment (or an imagined moment) in time.
My grandmother always had a camera. After church when we were ready to change to our casuals a small uproar would go through the house as Grandma would gingerly call, "Pictures!" She couldn't whistle, so she'd sing the tune that normal come-right-now tune that whistles have. We'd all gripe, groan, and complain but Grandma--and our parents--would ignore all that and Grandma would take pictures to her hearts content (if she could get us to sit still long enough). She had many boxes of pictures that she'd taken through the years. Each new camera she got was like another singular glimpse at our Heavenly Father's wonderful world. She would try to catch every instant of any special moment. She would remember almost everything about every picture she took (it was amazing).
That's R when he was a baby. They would some times stop by our apartment with food and goodies. Grandma knew I had a weakness for dried fruit and she'd usually mix some into the food.
This was the last time I saw Grandma Orton. That's my brother Rob holding T. It was a special time. She convinced the nurse my kids needed popsicles.
This was the song she sang for my kids. We love you Grandma! Thank you for always being there for us. Thanks for the pictures, the boosts of confidence, and constant love.
I'm so very sorry about your Grandma!
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. It sounds like she was a very special part of your life. We love you and your family and miss you tons!
Kristin & Joe
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