Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Central Park Zoo

This morning we were getting ready to go to the Central Park Zoo to meet with some friends, Shawna M. and her son J. We were running late and got to the subway platform when S casually demanded that she needed a seat. A little girl on the end of the bench scooted over just enough for S to sit by her.

They were immediate friends--long lost buddies from a long-lost past or something-ish. When the train came they held hands to get onto the train. They danced, sang, talked about their favorite things, etc. S gave her two silly bandz (don't tell R).

She'd just come from the dentist with her mother and they had the day off. They came to the zoo with us. I talked with Sherry, the mom. The girls decided they must be pen pals (even though S had no idea what that was--but it must be super awesome because T--the pal had said it with pounds of enthusiasm).

The moment S saw J (Shawna's boy) she made sure J had nearly her undivided attention, not her subway pal. They were soon running to opposite ends of the zoo willy-nilly, as if the fact that they had been kindred spirits on the train had melted like a ice cream cone on asphalt in 100 degree weather. Oh well, maybe we'll get a letter from them in the mail.

Shawna and I visited Whole Foods and had a great time chatting. You know, people in Brooklyn are pretty nice--especially when they make room for you on the subway benches.

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a cute story! Glad you went yesterday and not today in this heat!