Sunday, February 14, 2010

O My Darlin' Valentine

This morning we received an email from our friends the Urban Tangerine family. They sang a stirring and delightful rendition of "My Darlin' Valentine." Thanks!

Of course you know that copying is a sincere complement so I decided we'd copy them. A few of us stayed home from church because we were not feeling well, but I think we are on the mend.

Happy Valentine's Day!

W did not know I was filming this until the end. I love his sweetness with the kids! You can tell right off he is an excellent father. We heart you at the end was because I thought I was showing you our heart cake S, T, and I made to celebrate the day of Valentines (thus the picture--that sort of makes it look like pirate R and his matey S are about to conquer the enemy ship--white heart shaped cake, aarrrgh). Oh, I know our singing is creative--but what joy to sing! Enjoy!

Since filming the above T has been following me around the house with the camera saying, "Swile" (smile). After I uploaded the clip he began singing "O ma da'lin." What blessedness!

P.S. I think we may have gotten sick waiting for W to dig out our car so we could run errands (and get the free kid's meals at Ikea). That drift was anything BUT puny. It was at least four feet across. You could step on it and you would not sink--it was ice. W is amazing. He got us bundled into the car and he dug us out with a shovel from that shop owner's friend (thank you).


the jensen's said...

Hey! That's what my car looked like on Thursday! Horrendous. p.s. I miss you....

Joe and Kristin Family said...

That's a ton of snow! Way to be the hero, Wayne, and shovel the family out of there.

Joe and Kristin Family said...

Ha! We just saw your movie of your family (when you thought you were taking a picture). Great video.

Hope you're doing well. Your kids are beautiful!

Joe & Kristin