Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trees Fallen from Hurricane Sandy in my Neighborhood

First, I need to say, thank you for your prayers in our behalf. They were/are greatly appreciated.  Our prayers are with those that have lost loved ones, those who have been evacuated from their homes, those that have damaged homes and those that have no power.  

Tree 1

 Tree 2

 Tree 3

 Tree 4

This is from our neighborhood only.

Things went pretty well for us. The tree outside our windows held firm.  There was a lot of howling wind.  We filled up our brand new air mattress because all the wind howling in the kidlet's rooms.  Then within an hour the new air mattress was completely flat.  But the children had a great time not jumping, stepping upon, and lounging on the air mattress (the "not" is in italics because they did all those things). 

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