Friday, November 30, 2012

The Baby Moved!

Of course, I know the baby, now the size of a lemon is moving a lot, all the time probably--I think I actually felt it move today.  We were doing the swimming move in Pilates and all of the sudden, in the exact place the lady took the ultra sound the other day, I felt some very light bumping--like a "Hello, Mom! Swimming on the ground, really?!"
The good news is also that I think I'm over the morning sickness for the most part (hip, hip, hooray!)--the bad news is the headaches have started (and 2 measly Tylenol don't do much for me) plus all I want to eat is junk food. This pregnancy as far as I can remember is more like S's because I crave rocky road ice cream a lot.  Also, the baby is not up in my ribs. I sat in the car for awhile yesterday and I felt okay. But good posture is key for me to avoid those headaches, I think (and then you can't see my baby pouch as much).

In celebration of feeling the baby move, I bought a hat.  It is a hat I've been debating on purchasing for two years.  T took the picture for me.

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